Ordinance regarding the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for appointment of teachers and officers.
In exercise of the power conferred by section 29(o) of the Act the following ordinance is made to lay down the procedure to be followed by the “selection committee” as required under section 22(e) of the statutes in chapter I.
This ordinance so made may be known as “ordinance regarding the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for appointment of teachers and officers” of the university. This ordinance shall come into force with effect from the date of approval by the state government
1. Objective :
To frame the procedure to be followed by the selection committee for making recommendation to the Executive Council for appointments toteachers and officers (other than Vice-Chancellor, Deans and Proctor) of the university through open advertisement and also for appointments by promotion to the post(s) to which it is applicable as per provision of the Act, Statutes and state government’s decisions pronounced from time to time.
2. Applicability :
This ordinance shall apply only to the university office, university departments, allied offices of the university and colleges and institutions maintained by the university.
3. Procedure for selection by open advertisement :