Vision of AKU

The vision of Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna is to be a vibrant knowledge University, resonating with the mission of all-round development, by providing value-based, creative and innovative quality education. |
Mission of the University
The mission of Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna is creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge. Established to lead as a knowledge centre, the University aims to:
- Enhance its position as one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities and to measure performance against the highest international standards.
- Provide the highest quality learning and teaching environment for the greater well-being of our students by making education a way of living and not an article of commerce.
- Produce graduates fully equipped to achieve the highest personal and professional standards.
- Make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to Bihar, India and the world, promoting health, economic and cultural well-being through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry and the development and dissemination of new knowledge, including the commercialisation of University discoveries.
- Assimilate the scientific wisdom available across the world.
- Establish partnerships with industries and other contemporary systems in all sectors, like technology, agriculture, manufacturing and services.
- Serve as an agency of quality improvement for teachers in their respective and interdisciplinary fields by using modern teaching tools.
- Contribute to the advancement of society through research, creative activity, scholarly inquiry and the development and dissemination of new knowledge, including the commercialisation of University discoveries.
- Preserve and promote the arts, benefit economy of the state, serve the citizens through public programmes and provide other public service.
- Tap opportunities for innovative partnerships with business, charitable foundations, and healthcare.
- Work for sustainability and the relationship with the environment.
Objectives of the University
The mission of Aryabhatta Knowledge University, Patna is creation, dissemination and curation of knowledge. Established to lead as a knowledge centre, the University aims to:
- To develop professional education in response to the changing demands of the modern world and society;
- To facilitate and encourage teaching, research and extension in the matters connected with professional education, including sciences, applied sciences, arts and social sciences;
- To facilitate and ensure qualitative improvement in the teaching and learning processes and methodologies;
- To facilitate and ensure quality research in the contemporary and frontier areas of knowledge in the field;
- To facilitate the needs for and organise the process thereof for lifelong learning;
- To disseminate knowledge and research findings emerging from the University, its institutions or otherwise across the world;
- To establish partnerships with industries and other entities in sectors like agriculture, manufacturing and services and develop relationships for achieving its objectives;
- To facilitate creation and promote knowledge centres in various areas of specialisation and disseminate need-based relevant information electronically to the client;
- To serve as an agency of quality improvement for teachers in their respective and interdisciplinary fields and also using modern technology.